Getting started....


Chocolate Bites is the space in which we take a moment to share and reflect upon any topic that might be interesting to you and to us.

The story behind Chocolate Bites:

First of all, I am a chocoholic! I grew up in a one of the most privileged countries in the world when it comes to the richness and diversity of agriculture in the world. That's it, I come from Ecuador, a country where you can literally cultivate whatever you want and it will grow, without any problem. Why is that, because we have an incredible diverse "climatic" and because we are in the tropical meridian, surrounded by beautiful mountains and rain forest. So the suelo is extremely fertile and the most appropriate to grow any kind of fruit or vegetable, not to mention the diversity of the fauna that is attracted to it as well. 

Cacao is one of the 5 key export products of Ecuador and since a kid, I grew up with the flavors and the smell of the cacao beans. As a kid, I was used to indulged myself with dark bitter pure chocolate and thorough out the years I got introduced to countless chocolate mixing making it a real treat that will bring great memories back 

So now that i live in NL for quite a few years, everytime that I take a bite of chocolate (specially if it is pure dark chocolate) I bring those memories back and I build new ones. This is my time to relax, reflect, pause, dream, think, be inspired.,,,,This is a moment in which I will also enjoy a good conversation or write a blog post. SO I hope that I can inspire you as well to take this opportunity. and take a bit of time for yourself:  stop doing what you are doing, and take the time to enjoy a small note, a quote, an idea, a chat... and let it sink, it might give you the answer to what you were looking for, it may wake up something in you or it simply will help you remember what you treasure. 

I So take a chocolate bite and enjoy this moment!

Nina Maldonado